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Raymondville, Texas

Raymondville, Texas

Monday, February 1, 2010

January 11, 2010


Fue un buen semana y nuestros investigadores estan progresando mucho y estamos trabajando bien duro.

Yea so we had a decent week. Should have had a baptism but Mari decided she wants to be scared again. Hopefully we'll be having 5 baptisms on the 24th tho! 3 for sure and hopefully 2 more. I was happy to see my recent convert get out of jail haha. And I guess we're still closing meetings "en el nombre de nuestro Padre Celestial, Amen" hahah

Mari was just kinda retarded this week and decided she was going to avoid us for a couple days. Basicly she was converted to Elder Fowler and got offended when he left. But she totally knows that the church is true and that being baptized is what she needs to do but she’s not doing it. We took some really good members over this week and had some amazing lessons, but she decided to not show up to church. I still don’t know what’s up. She hasn’t answered her phone since yesterday. I talked to her Saturday night for like 25 minutes and told her that she didn’t have to be baptized yesterday, but to pray about it. She agreed and then wasn’t there to go to church and didn’t answer her phone. Idk its really annoying. But we do have an amazing family we are teaching! Im so happy about them. Joe and his soon to be wife Veronica are so cool.

So, Joe wasn’t at church cus he’s a truck driver and had to take a trip up to saint loius, but, Veronica came to church with her 5 kids, and her sister and brother. Her sister is like 15 or 16 and her brother is 13. They liked church and one of the members asked if they would be coming back next week and Veronica answered for them and said that they would be there every week! So we went over to there house a couple hours after church and set baptismal dates with those two for the 24th as well. Yesenia, the 16 year old, has been to church twice already, and Kurt, the 13 year old just went for his first time. So theyre way cool. They decided they are going to get married on the 22 of this month and then baptized on the 24th. They are so prepared its aweseome.

The 24th is stake conference so it is in Harlingen, when we told them about that Joe was like "Well Jesus walked 60 miles to get baptized, Im sure I can make a 25 mile drive to get baptized" He’s so awesome. And the other night we called him to talk to him, and it went straight to his voicemail which said "Hey this is Joe, leave me a message and Ill call you back, oh and if its the missionaries, sorry I couldn’t call you back today, but just know Im reading and staying strong, so Ill talk to you guys later" YEA! It was so funny/cool. Then I talked to him last night on the phone and he was all asking if we could give his wife a Book of Mormon of her own. Wow they’re cool. Oh yea and theyre 9 year old kid Jo Jo was hanging out at the Serratos house (who are members with 4 kids from 7 down) for like 3 hours after church! They’re so getting baptized. Im so happy for them.

I hit my 5 month mark earlier this week. That’s pretty stinking crazy huh. Dad I got your letter that you wrote on Saturday, and Cassidy I didn't write you back yet for the 2nd letter I got, you just write me back and Ill write back for the 2 letters that I get from you, if that makes sense. I love my speedometer thing I have. I hit 30 MPH on my bike the other day! haha it was cus I had the wind behind me tho. I love riding bikes. Just not when its 34 degrees!!! Holy cow it was cold this week. It was in the low 30s all thursday and friday! I froze my butt off but I think the cold is gone now. It was bad tho. We had to ride our bikes to a lesson and and it was literally like 30 degrees, and we were riding against the wind. I was light headed when I got to the persons house hahaha. But I tough it out, life goes on I guess haha. And it hailed for like 5 minutes so that was cool. Almost snow.

So yea Derick got out of jail.I saw him right after he got out and I told him that if he does anything stupid im gonna slap him....hahah. He agreed and said he’d stay out of trouble. I really hope he does. They didnt come to church tho cus Angela was sick. I hate excuses.

I had some really good tacos the other day. We helped some members fix some things at their house, and then after they made us some tacos. There were like 3 HUGE platters of them. I had like 10 tacos, I got so sick that night, but they were so good hahahah. Ive been eating pretty good lately, I made myself tacos 2X this week and I made some burgers and stuff like that. Its pretty easy.

So I think that about it. I’m really really excited for the next two weeks. I get to see Elder Yergensen and Elder Sibbet and Thursday at Zone Confrence. Thatll be fun. And Im getting along really well with my companion. Hes just a funny guy. We work really well together. Well I love you all and cant wait to get some pictures or letters from you.

Con mucho mucho amor para siempre,

Elder Jefferson L Given

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